Twitch Streamer Review: Kismet

Mentioned also in my other blog: here

You can find him on Twitch

If you like positive streams and streamers, Kismet is up there with one of the MOST positive guys on Twitch. He's honest, he helps people with advice and networking, and he's relateable. He's also a graphic designer. As he tells his stream on occasion, due to his health condition... he could go to sleep one night and not wake up again; thus he lives each day to its fullest and enjoys the time he has. So many times I've heard a story from Kismet that jabbed me in the heart, or filled me with inspiration. He is also always full of energy, so watching his stream keeps me awake and interested. He also tends to "squirrel" as he calls it, and start rambling on something random or get distracted easily... we often laugh about this and he embraces it.

His art is great too, and you can see all sorts of really cool effects on his stream that you most likely wont see elsewhere on Twitch such as his 'stealth boy', 'love train' and 'bit cup dragon fire'. So if you are entertained by things like this, you'll adore his stream.

He plays a variety of games. At the time of this blog, his primary games are Fallout 4 and 7 Days to Die. The latter is what got me to start and continue watching him game wise. Similar to him, I hate zombies and scary movies... but 7 Days to Die is just unique in the fact you can get past the horror of the zombies and thoroughly still enjoy the game. He enjoys sandbox builder type games, and oh my goodness does he do an amazing job on his builds. He usually joins up with friends or fellow players on "teamwork" type servers he runs (he also has a community server) so these grand builds are a bit easier/quicker, but that doesn't make them any less impressive. If you want to learn how to build in one of these games, watching him will give you a ton of great tips.

As with most of these reviews, I try to pinpoint an area of "improvement" for the streamer. Kismet makes that hard, lol. So perhaps if there was anything to "improve" upon, it would be his squirreling... but I still find that endearing. His distractions do once in a while hurt his gaming or make him not finish a thought he was talking on, lol. Most of the time its just good for a laugh though, or you are in for a long talk with a golden piece of knowledge to take away with you.

He at this time is more of an evening/night (PST) streamer. He just recently got his partnership and well deserved in my opinion!! So I highly encourage you to go watch a stream or two of his, and then maybe consider giving him some support with a subscription. Even if you don't, just hanging out and watching helps him out and trust me, you wont find him boring. :)



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